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As well as offering examinations with top award bodies such as British Council, Cambridge and Trinity College, Frisby College offers its own range of rigorous assessments to students needing to show progressive learning.

Our CEFR Certificate® system acknowledges performance based on descriptors outlined by the Common European Framework for References Languages. It provides students with an overall reference of personal language ability that can be used to help predict success in specific examinations as needed. CEFR Certificates® offer an over-arching method to supporting language development through self-paced learning independently country to country.

CEFR Certificate® exams can be taken with registered FCISs and FCLCs as prescribed by the students’ professional support network. They can be scheduled individually throughout a course of pre-arranged study, allowing greater freedom for students to manage their own learning around other academic commitments.

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Country Offices
Study Providers
Associate Program
Franchise Scheme
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